

Din sökning på "*" gav 126348 sökträffar

Funding for post-docs and academic conferences

Funding opportunities for academic conferencesSwedish Research Council's webpageForma's webpageForte's webpageRiksbankens jubileumsfond's webpageWenner-Gren Foundation's webpageMarcus Wallenberg Foundation's webpage for International Scientific Collaboration The Letterstedt Association's webpage (conferences of Nordic interest) (in Swedish)Funding for post-docsWenner-Gren Foundation's webpageSwedi

https://www.staff.lu.se/research-and-education/research-support/research-funding/finding-research-funding/funding-post-docs-and-academic-conferences - 2025-03-13

Medical advice

The Occupational Health Service offers medical advice on problems related to your work situation. The aim is to prevent ill health or start rehabilitation so that employees are able to remain in or return to work.As an employee or doctoral student at Lund University you can contact the Occupational Health Service yourself when you need advice and support in rehabilitation initiatives. A positive r

https://www.staff.lu.se/employment/work-environment-and-health/occupational-health-service/medical-advice - 2025-03-13

Research Board

In 2012, a central university research board was established in accordance with the rules of procedure for Lund University.Remit of the Research BoardThe Research Board is to “deal with strategic research matters where a decision at faculty level is inappropriate owing to their university-wide nature. The Board has particular responsibility for facilitating and supporting the University’s cross-di

https://www.staff.lu.se/research-and-education/research-support/research-board - 2025-03-13


Lund University has many international partners in European countries, within both education and research. University-wide student exchange agreements, university-wide in-depth partner-ships and networks/alliances in which LU is involved create opportunities for long-term collaborations. Global Dynamic Engagement (GDE) is an approach on which Lund University bases its work to strengthen and furthe

https://www.staff.lu.se/research-and-education/global-engagement-and-international-matters/global-dynamic-engagement/europe - 2025-03-13

EUGLOH – European University Alliance for Global Health

European Universities is a programme initiated, and mostly financed, by the EU to strengthen the strategic partnerships between European universities. EUGLOH is part of this programme. Lund University has been part of EUGLOH since 2019 and collaborates with:Université Paris-Saclay (coordinator, France)University of Szeged (Hungary)University of Porto (Portugal) andLudwig-Maximilian Universität of

https://www.staff.lu.se/research-and-education/global-engagement-and-international-matters/global-dynamic-engagement/eugloh-european-university-alliance-global-health - 2025-03-13

North America

The USA and Canada are two important partner countries for Lund University in terms of research, education and student exchange. This is reflected, among other things, in several delegation trips and management visits to universities in the area. Currently, Lund University has student exchange agreements with many US and Canadian universities, on both university-wide and faculty level. Global Dyna

https://www.staff.lu.se/research-and-education/global-engagement-and-international-matters/global-dynamic-engagement/north-america - 2025-03-13

Tips and advice on email management

for internal and external emails Please find below some recommendations on how you can manage emails. The aim is to streamline our communication channels and make things easier for recipients. General tipsIt is preferable to send one email for each matter rather than several matters in one email.Avoid unnecessary emails. Think carefully before using reply all.Use an out-of-office reply when you ar

https://www.staff.lu.se/support-and-tools/it-mail-and-telephony/tips-and-advice-email-management - 2025-03-13

Newsletters and distribution lists

Research Funding NewsResearch Funding News provides the latest information about Horizon Europe, applications that are to be processed by the Research Board, events and seminars, open calls for proposals, and information about the University’s internal support services for researchers.NOTE: The newsletter is temporarily on hold due to a change of platform. It is planned to resume at the beginning

https://www.staff.lu.se/research-and-education/research-support/research-funding/newsletters-and-distribution-lists - 2025-03-13

Research ethics and animal testing ethics

If you are informed about research ethics, you can ask the right questions about what is appropriate or inappropriate in research. Research ethics is about both legislation and rules and good research practice. Ethical reviewAre you planning to do research that involves people or the processing of personal data? If so, you may need to seek ethical approval.More information about ethical reviewThe

https://www.staff.lu.se/research-and-education/research-support/research-ethics-and-animal-testing-ethics - 2025-03-13

Centrum för ledning i offentliga organisationer

Centrum för ledning i offentliga organisationer Centrum för ledning i offentliga organisationer (CLOO) har som mål att öka kunskapen om ledning och styrning i offentliga organisationer. Chefer och medarbetare i offentliga organisationer behöver ständigt hantera nya ledningsidéer och styrformer. Till detta kommer snabba förändringar i omvärlden och politikers önskemål om nya innovativa lösningar på

https://www.ses.lu.se/samverkan/natverk-och-samverkansplattformar/centrum-ledning-i-offentliga-organisationer - 2025-03-13

Diversity Management - course start Autumn 2024

Introduction and course startIntroduction:4 November, at 10 - 11 am, lecture hall C217, Campus HelsingborgLecturer: Elisabeth HögdahlFirst lecture:4 November, at 11 - 12 am & 1 - 3 pm, lecture hall C217, Campus HelsingborgLecturer: Elisabeth HögdahlMore information on our English websiteHere you can find link to the syllabus, list of literature and link to preliminary schedule. Hello and welcome f

https://www.ses.lu.se/utbildning/diversity-management-course-start-autumn-2024 - 2025-03-13

Service Work - course start Autumn 2024

Introduction and course startIntroduction:2 October, at 10 - 12 am, lecture hall C127, Campus HelsingborgLecturer: Alina Lidén and Erika Andersson CederholmFirst lectures:2 October, at 10 - 12 am (introduction/lecture) and 1-3 pm (mandatory workshop), lecture hall E218, Campus HelsingborgLecturer: Alina Lidén and Erika Andersson CederholmMore information on our English websiteHere you can find lin

https://www.ses.lu.se/utbildning/service-work-course-start-autumn-2024 - 2025-03-13

Sustainable Services - course start Autumn 2024

Introduction and course startThe course starts the 4th of December with a conference at Stadshallen in Lund. Please sign up no later than 15th of November. Sign up here: "Knowledge for sustainable development". Participation in the conference is optional.Lecturer: Tullia JackFirst lecture/workshop:5 December, at 10-12 am, lecture hall C218, Campus HelsingborgLecturer: Tullia Jack5 December, at 1-3

https://www.ses.lu.se/utbildning/sustainable-services-course-start-autumn-2024 - 2025-03-13

Consumer Culture - course start Autumn 2023

Introduction and course start Introduction: 28 August, at 9 - 11 am, lecture hall C127, Campus Helsingborg Lecturer: Maria Fuentes First lecture: 29 August, at 9 - 10 am, lecture hall C218, Campus Helsingborg Lecturer: Emma Samsioe More information on our English website Here you can find link to the syllabus, list of literature and link to preliminary schedule. Hello and welcome from the examiner

https://www.ses.lu.se/utbildning/terminsstart-hosten-2023/consumer-culture-course-start-autumn-2023 - 2025-03-13

The Fashion Market: Fashion Communication and Sustainability

SESA02, fristående kurs, 5 hp Är du intresserad av modekommunikation i relation till hållbarhet? Är du redan yrkesverksam inom modebranschen och vill fördjupa dina kunskaper? Eller är du aktiv student som vill bredda din utbildning? Sök då till vår fristående kurs The Fashion Market: Fashion Communication and Sustainability (5 hp). Kursens syfte är att studenten ska tillägna sig kunskap om och för

https://www.ses.lu.se/utbildning/fristaende-kurser-0/fashion-market-fristaende-kurser/fashion-market-fashion-communication-and-sustainability - 2025-03-13

The Fashion Market: Innovation and Fashion Forecasting

SESA01, fristående kurs, 5 hp Är du intresserad av mode och trender? Vill du lära dig om hur trender skapas, hur trendanalys kan göras och vilken roll innovation kan ha i detta arbete? Är du redan yrkesverksam inom modebranschen och vill fördjupa dina kunskaper? Eller är du aktiv student som vill bredda din utbildning? Sök då till vår fristående kurs The Fashion Market: Innovation and Fashion Fore

https://www.ses.lu.se/utbildning/fristaende-kurser-0/fashion-market-fristaende-kurser/fashion-market-innovation-and-fashion-forecasting - 2025-03-13

Terminstart 2023 för dig som börjar ditt andra eller tredje år

Vi hälsar alla nuvarande studenter välkomna tillbaka till Campus! Höstterminen börjar 28 augusti. Se information för ditt program nedan. Webbregistreringen till kurserna öppnar i LADOK en vecka innan kursstart, du får information om det när det är dags att webbregistrera dig. Logistics service management, år 2 Fortsättningskurs i Supply chain management, LGMA31 Introduktion till delkurs Tillämpad

https://www.ses.lu.se/utbildning/terminstart-2023-dig-som-borjar-ditt-andra-eller-tredje-ar - 2025-03-13

Kursplaner & litteraturlistor för fristående kurser VT 2024

VT 2024 Fristående kurser på engelska (grundnivå) SESA01 The Fashion Market: Innovation and Fashion Forecasting  (5 hp) Kursplan Litteraturlista Examinator   SESA02 The Fashion Market: Fashion Communication and Sustainability (5 hp) Kursplan Litteraturlista Examinator  

https://www.ses.lu.se/utbildning/studieinformation/kursplaner-litteraturlistor-och-utbildningsplaner/kursplaner-litteraturlistor-fristaende-kurser/kursplaner-litteraturlistor-fristaende-kurser-vt-2024 - 2025-03-13

Kursplaner & litteraturlistor för service management

Vårterminen 2024 Termin 2SEMA21 Fortsättningskurs i service management (30 hp)Hälsa, Retail, Turism och hotell (läsperiod 1–4)KursplanLitteraturlistaExaminatorTermin 4 För inriktning Hälsa, Retail, Turism och hotell (läsperiod 1-2)SEMA41 Samhällsvetenskapliga metoder (15 hp)KursplanKurslitteraturExaminatorFör inriktning Hälsa (läsperiod 3-4)SEMA42 Den hälsofrämjande arbetsplatsen (15 hp)KursplanKu

https://www.ses.lu.se/utbildning/studieinformation/kursplaner-litteraturlistor-och-utbildningsplaner/kursplaner-litteraturlistor-kandidatprogrammet-service-management/kursplaner-litteraturlistor-service-management - 2025-03-13